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Receiving the Sacraments


St. Mary

1st-time Parents looking to have their child baptized will need to attend the Baptism class held on the Second Tuesday of the month. Please call the office to sign up for the class. 332-6391 

Please download the baptism form here and return it to the Parish offices as soon as possible.

St. John Paul II

Baptism preparation is by appointment with our pastorate. Please complete our baptism information form, and we will contact you to set up an appointment

Image by Sergiu Vălenaș

Christ the King

Please call the parish office to schedule the baptism of your child. If this is your first child, you will need prtake in a baptism preparation class.


First Reconciliation

Pastorate Wide Class

We provide a first Sacraments program that parents and students complete together so that your child is prepared to receive their First Sacraments. This program is in addition to our 2nd Grade Religious Education Program.

Image by Jacob Bentzinger

First Communion

Pastorate Wide Class

We provide a first Sacraments program that parents and students complete together so that your child is prepared to receive their First Sacraments. This program is in addition to our 2nd Grade Religious Education Program.


Pastorate Classes

We provide a Confirmation program that students complete so that your child is prepared to be Confirmed. This program is in addition to our Religious Education Program.

Registration opens late summer 2024

Image by Matea Gregg

Anointing of the Sick

For anyone who is sick

f you are sick with a serious illness, especially if you will be going through surgery, the grace of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a helpful preparation. If possible, it is always best to have one of our priests administer this sacrament before you get to the hospital. Please let our priests know of your need and this can be done after Mass on Sundays or by stopping into the office/chapel.

Image by Josh Applegate


When Two Become One

Marriage preparation is by appointment with our pastorate. Please contact the Pastorate office and we will contact you to set up an appointment


Marriage Encounter

First four Thursdays in October, February, or May 7:00-9:00 p.m. The classes are held in the Multi-Purpose room at St. Mary Elementary.

St. Mary: (605) 332-6391 for more information. Please ask your priest to register you for this class.

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